Our foundation

Yogi Jaggu opened the Brahmodaya charitable foundation in 2016.

The purpose of this foundation is to help people in their spiritual path and spread the yoga knowledge .

Jaggu wishes to promote yoga and meditation among the younger generation of Indians, especially teaching in schools to all children.

Yoga for children

Yoga for children

Our Sangha around Yogi Jaggu

Hari Om ashram exists thanks to the love of Yogi Jaggu, who dedicates his life to spreading the yoga knowledge and to guide and help, whoever comes to him.

The running and maintaining of the ashram is supported by Jaggu ‘s own family and his students. Toguether we make a sangha, a spiritual family, to create a beautiful ashram and to help the spread  of Jaggu’s teaching and knowledge.

Jagguj has several students from France, and they opened an association in Montpellier ( south of France ) to promote the ashram and invite Jagguji to France for yoga courses or teachings. For details please contact Sandrine (sandrine.mosaik@orange.fr)

People who would like to join our sangha and help the ashram are welcome. Our ashram just re-opened a few years ago. We need people to help us to promote the wonderful teaching of Jagguji.

Hari om

Jagguji and Chantalji



Papaji and Mamaji

Jagguji with Govindji and Daneshji